Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Luke's Favorite DVD

One day Fletcher is going to ask Luke, "What was that dumb video you always wanted to watch in the car?" Luke won't remember the name. So here are the details for both of you.

We have a DVD player in our new van. We had one in the Pilot too. We only use it on longer trips to watch movies. Luke has one video he loves. Just one. And he asks to watch it every single time we go on a trip. But one viewing is not enough. He asks to watch it over and over again. It's called "I Love Big Machines." Does it have a plot? No. Does it have characters? Not really. Is it funny? Not exactly. So what is it?

Yep. That's it. Just a bunch of big machines doing some work with a few cheesy songs thrown in including the theme song, My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean and Boom Boom Ain't It Great to Be Crazy. But that was only one minute. This thing lasts for an entire hour.

Fletcher seriously cannot stand it when Luke asks to watch it. Now you know why. He pleads, "Not again. Please, Mom. Not again. We've already watched this one a hundred times." Then he moves into Jedi mind trick mode, "Luke, don't you want to watch Toy Story. It is so funny." But in Luke's world, a long trip in the car = at least one viewing of this video.

I'm sure by the time the boys are older we will have worn out the DVD. Hopefully, Luke will be able to find a copy of it on ebay to give to Fletcher's kids for Christmas.

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