Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Plan B

Today my boys learned the meaning of Plan B.


Our theaters here have free kids movies during the summers on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. We invited one of Fletcher's friends and decided to go see Monsters vs. Aliens (a movie they haven't seen yet even though it has been out awhile). We get to the theater and I notice a few moms and kids are walking out instead of walking in. "That's odd," I thought. Then when we went inside the ticket taker told us that the free movies were sold out. Oh the irony. Free and sold out. What a disappointment. I think lots of daycares and daycamps in the area have clued in on these free movies and bring their kids by the busloads. I was very proud of my boys and their friend because they were ok with it once I explained what was going on. We ended up going back to the friend's house and they watched Toy Story 2 and ate popcorn together.

Later after naptime we decided to meet our friends at the pool. We packed the car and drove to the pool. We are about to let the kids jump into the water when we hear thunder in the distance. Wait. Don't get in yet. More thunder. So we let the kids play on the playground which is right next to the pool hoping that the storm would go away. Next up lightning. Ok. Scratch the pool plan. Scratch the playground plan. Anyone up for Chick-Fil-A for dinner? Once again they took things in stride, gulped down some chocolate milk and all was ok.

In the car we were able to talk a little bit about how we make plans, but things don't always happen the way we want them to. But God is always in control and His plans can never be thwarted. Job 42:2.

On that same note, I know we replaced Plan A with a few fun alternatives (watching a movie at a friend's house and going to Chick-Fil-A) because it happened to work out that way. However, I don't always think there has to be a replacement. Sometimes it's ok for kids to just live with the disappointment.

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