Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back To The Future

Ok so I fell for it.

Someone posted on their Facebook status that yesterday (July 5, 2010) was an important day. This was supposedly the day Doc programmed into the time machine in the Delorean on Back To The Future. I loved those movies!

I thought that was very cool until I realized that wasn't right. It caused quite a twitterstorm and quickly became one of the most popular Google searches of the day. Apparently, Doc was preparing to set his time machine 25 years into the future which would have been October 26, 2010 but never got the chance since the Libyans caught him first.

In part 2 they go to October 15, 2015.

Some think the confusion came from the fact that the movie was released on July 3, 1985 so Saturday was its 25th anniversary. Who knows.

The actress who played Marty's girlfriend did turn 44 on July 5, 2010.

Ok, I think that's enough trivia for today. Or yesterday.

We still have five years for someone to come up with a hoverboard.

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