Monday, October 5, 2009

The World of Luke

Mom: Luke, what is your whole name?
Luke: Wuke Sawwer ________ (Luke Sarver Our Last Name)
Mom: What is mommy's whole name?
Luke: Wuke Sawwer Mama
Fletcher: What is brother's whole name?
Luke: Wuke Sawwer Che-Chee


A few nights ago we were finishing dinner. In a moment of parental weakness, Fletcher asked if he could have dessert. I told him he could, not thinking about the fact that Luke was not quite finished with his dinner yet and would want dessert as well. So Fletcher gets his ice cream sandwich out of the freezer and Luke wants one. I tell Luke that he has to finish what's on his plate first.

Luke meticulously removes the two pieces of pizza (with dairy free cheese) from his plate and sets them on his placemat. Then he removes his apple slices and sets them on his placemat. He hands me his now clean plate and looks at me with those big brown eyes and a huge smile and says, "Wook mama, I all done!"
We are in so much trouble....

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