Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Way Up High In The Apple Tree

Friday was our school field trip to an area apple orchard. We made this a family event. It was a little rainy, but the kids enjoyed going on a wagon ride to see all of the different apple trees.

Learning about bees and pollenation or was it pollenization. You decide.
Waiting for the tour to start. This is Fletcher and his best bud Noah.
Some of the kindergarteners.

Learning how the apples get sorted and boxed up for shipment. The kids also went into the very, very cold refrigerator. Apples like cold and dark places.
Time for a snack!
Taste test. Golden Delicious. Apple Cider. Yum! Picking out apples to take home.

Playing in the orchard near our picnic site. This was near the end of their growing season. Many of the remaining apples were on the ground. They sell these to hunters for the deer.

So cute!

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