Friday, October 30, 2009

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Luke had his Fall Party at his preschool yesterday. The teacher said they could wear costumes.

In a Martha Stewart moment (I don't have many of those), I decide to make his costume. Clearly, I need to get a job or a hobby because I think I may have a little too much time on my hands.

One of Luke's favorite books is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It is a popular children's book although it wasn't around when I was a kid so some of you older readers may not have heard of it. I included the video at the end if you want to see/read the book.

Here's how it turned out:

He really did look adorable. The teachers and kids at his school loved it. They said, "Hey, that's the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree!" When I picked him up from school, his teacher said, "My, my, he was quite proud of himself today in his costume." After his party and cupcakes, I have a little "repair" work to do before trick or treating on Saturday.


Georgia Girl said...

That is adorable!! I have not heard of that book but LOVE it. The costume is fantastic. It looks so much better than any store bought costume.

Meagan said...

AH! That is the CUTEST costume ever! I LOVE that book. It is so much fun to read/sing to kids.