Monday, September 7, 2009

A Mama's Heart

Both of my boys are navigating new territory. Fletcher started kindergarten and Luke is starting preschool two mornings a week. Sometimes it's hard for a mama's heart to handle. Fletcher said numerous times last week that he loves school. He was sad that he didn't get to go on Friday. Those are either home learning days or field trip days.

However, he mentioned to Kevin Saturday night before bed that a particular boy in his class told him that he didn't like him. Fletcher also said that same child said he didn't want to sit next to Fletcher at lunch. Earlier in the week Fletcher told me this child pushed him down the slide. Of course, at that age it is hard to know how much of it is true, first of all. Second, how much is just "boys being boys". Third, what exactly did Fletcher say or do first. And finally how much is just both of them being five years old and saying anything that comes into their little minds. But it is still hard to hear. The Mama Bear in me wants so badly to fix it all. Remember this post? I mean, after all, how could someone not like my child? Right? I'm finding that even at a small school, kids can say and do unkind things. It's just life and part of the world we live in (the world that is only our temporary home). We are trying to give Fletcher a toolbox, so to speak, of things he can say and do in these situations. Also, we remind him that Jesus is always right there with him. We've also started praying for his classmates (by name) - not so much that God would change them, but that Fletcher would always treat them in a kind and loving way no matter how anyone else acts.

Luke's preschool starts Tuesday. He'll be there from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Hopefully. He still has trouble being away from me in the church nursery and that's just a little over an hour. I'm not sure how he will handle preschool. His teachers seem super nice and we talked about things he likes and ways to help him (books, going outside, food). He's just never away from me that often so when I do leave him, he is not sure what to do. We normally leave Rocky (his stuffed dog lovey) at home, but I told his teacher I will probably tuck it into his backpack if they can't get him calmed down. At church, he has a different teacher every week, but at preschool Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Amy are there all the time. Let's hope that consistency works in our favor. Say a little prayer for him on Tuesday morning if you think of him.

I think this Mama's heart needs to get prayed up. I am sure those of you with older children are smiling or perhaps chuckling and thinking "She has no idea..." If I think preschool and kindergarten are hard, I don't know how on earth I will handle the preteen and teenage years.

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

A picture is worth a thousand words and you chose the right one! I have just had some of these new feelings as I realize others in C's class may not want to play with him or think he's strange. How could anyone think that?

And not that this will make you feel better but at least you will know you are not alone. I found when C was Luke's age it was the hardest year leaving him at "school". But I always knew (since I'd call as I drove away) that by the time I was in my car he was fine. And know C is pushing me out the door to leave!