Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Not Wike

Conversation with all four of us in the car...

Fletcher: Dad, can you turn the radio to another station?
Kevin: (flipping through the stations stopping on a "Hits from the 70/80/90's" station)
Kevin: oooh good song.
Luke: I not wike dis song (translation: I don't like this song)
Kevin: This is a good song. Fire and Rain.
Rachel: This is James Taylor.
Luke: I not wike 'ames waylor

Hi, meet Luke. He is two years old. Can you tell? :-)

This is just one of many recent examples of his new found "opinion". I just wish they didn't all start with "I not wike ______"

One more for the record. Kevin was helping him thank Jesus for breakfast yesterday morning. Luke has started saying "yep" and "uh-huh" when he agrees with what you are saying. So the prayer went a little like this...

Kevin: Dear Jesus, thank you for today.
Luke: Yep
K: Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Fletcher and Sadie
L: Uh-huh
K: Thank you for my oatmeal
L: Yep
K: Thank you for my orange juice
L: Uh-huh
K: Help me to have a good day today
L: Yep
K: And obey mommy and daddy with a happy heart
L: Um (then long silence) A-men

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

At our house it's "I can't want" and it's changed from "I want" to "I need". Funny how much a 3you NEEDS!