Friday, September 25, 2009

Try Not To Be Like Mike

I am not a huge sports fan. Probably doesn't come as a huge shock to most of you. I like them ok, but I'm not a die hard fan for any one particular team.

However, I've always liked David Robinson from the San Antonio Spurs. But not because of his basketball abilities. He is a very godly and very smart man. He spoke at a Math Convention that I attended (pocket protector alert). He was a math major at the Naval Academy. I was a math major too. We could be best friends. Ha! His witness for Christ both on and off the court have been inspirational to alot of people. I could get on a little soap box about how I feel about some professional athletes and their ridiculous salaries and poor lifestyle choices. But I won't. I also won't go into how annoyed I get when these same athletes do drugs and cheat on their wives, but then "Thank God" for winning a game.

Both David Robinson and Michael Jordan were recently inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. I'm sure it has a more technical name than that, but I don't know what it is. Both gave acceptance speeches. Voddie Bauchaum a Christian author and speaker wrote a great article contrasting the two speeches here. David's speech is below. It is only seven minutes long. Michael's on the other hand is almost twenty minutes long.

I don't know if my boys will become heavily involved in sports or not. If they do, I sure hope they choose to emulate someone like David Robinson. Even if you don't have time to listen to the whole thing, catch what he says about his family starting at the 1:50 to 3:30 mark then fast forward it to the 6:45 mark and watch. What a classy, humble guy.

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