Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

As promised, here are the pictures from Fletcher's first day of school. Unfortunately, it was raining, but he was still really excited. He does have to wear a uniform (gold, white, blue or dark green shirt with khaki or navy shorts).

At breakfast yesterday he asked me if I could please clean up the house while he was at school. He said, "It would be nice to come home to a lovely clean house." Yes, lovely. Oh how I will miss him while he is at school! The school hosted a Boo Hoo Brunch for all the moms of kindergarteners. I did ok. I think Luke was enough of a distraction for me not to think too hard about my baby going to kindergarten.

He is attending a small Christian school near our house. There are 8 children in his kindergarten class - 5 boys and 3 girls. The school follows a "Charlotte Mason" philosophy which includes lots of time outdoors exploring God's creation, books, great composers, great artists and the basics. Fridays are either field trip days or "home education" days which means they don't physically go to the school on Fridays but they do still learn at home or on a field trip. Some of the trips this year include a trip to a Train Museum, a trip to a real gold mine where they can pan for gold and a trip to an apple orchard. Kevin and I feel like this will be a great school for Fletcher.

Tomorrow, I'll post the email that his kindergarten teacher sent out listing the things they will be doing this week.


Georgia Girl said...

What are you doing in that last pic - checking your pulse?

rg said...

I'm not sure. So attractive huh? This is their "Morning Buddies" room where they go when they get dropped off before their morning assembly. It was a little confusing yesterday because I didn't know exactly what to do. I guess it was a look of confusion mixed with first day jitters. Plus, I was trying to keep Luke from destroying the room. He's in the pic (far left bottom corner) saying "Hi Dad" to Kevin taking pictures.