Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We're Back

We got back late Sunday night. We ended up doing the drive back in one day. It was hard for the boys until they fell asleep but I think they were glad to be back in their own bed. Monday was filled with laundry, suitcases, mail and two cranky, whiny boys but they both took 3 hour naps.

Here are a few thoughts from our trip --

The graveside services for Kevin's grandmother were very nice. I didn't get to hear most of it because I was walking Luke around the cemetary in the stroller. His hollering and requests for "kee-kas" (crackers) was a little disruptive. He finally fell asleep.

Fletcher was very curious about the entire experience. He boldly introduced himself by his FULL NAME to Kevin's grandfather because we told him Poppa Floyd might not remember him. He asked lots of questions, quoted some scripture to his Aunt Stacie and reminded his Papa Charlie that Grandma Daphne was in no more pain. Oh, and he wanted to see the big hole at the gravesite.

We were able to spend time with family and friends while we were there. We got to see a few of Graham's ball games including the one where he hit a homerun! And we spent alot of playtime at Aunt Stacie's house. Kevin had the wisdom to throw the boys' scooters in the back of the Pilot.

We also went to our old church on Sunday - Thomasville Road Baptist Church. They were having the grand opening of their new children and music buildings. When I was on staff there, those buildings were just ideas on blueprints. It was neat to see the real thing. It also felt good (and a little sad) to be loved and missed by so many people. Most asked if we were moving back. :)

One final story from our trip home. We were in a little town called Louisville, GA. We decided to stop at McDonalds for dinner because on the way to Florida I made the mistake of saying "let's wait until the next exit to eat" and there were no more food places for the next 50 miles. We didn't want to make that same mistake on the way home. The place looked iffy. I ordered two kids meals and got white milk for Luke and chocolate for Fletcher. I happened to check the expiration date on Luke's milk and it was 3/21. Sunday's date: 3/22. I went back to the counter and asked if I could have a different milk since this one was expired. She went to the little refrigerator and pulled the milk out one by one - at least ten of them -and not a single one had an unexpired date. She turned to me and said, "Would you like chocolate instead?" Instead of what??? Letting my child drink expired milk? Of course, I'll take chocolate! Which incidentally had not expired.

But here's the kicker. She put every single one of those expired milks back into the little refrigerator cooler and closed the door. Ready to give to the next customer.

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth when I typed that.

So I suppose if you went to the McDonalds in Louisville, GA Monday morning and had white milk with your breakfast chances are you weren't feeling so great Monday afternoon.

On a serious note I have heard "rumors" that since restaurant business is down because of this bleak economy some restaurants are doing what they can to stretch out the life of the food - like using stuff that they would normally throw out (like expired milk).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have had that happen to us at McD's, too, so now I always check the date. I've also gotten half-cooked chicken nuggets. Yuck!