Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh Lord It's (not hard) To Be Humble When You Live With A Four Year Old

I used to be a computer software trainer. When I was at the training for the trainers, one of the topics was proper classroom etiquette. All of our classrooms had dry erase white boards. The leaders reminded us that when we have our backs to the class we should erase the white board in an up and down motion instead of a side to side motion. I am not making this up. They were stating the obvious. Up and down motions produce less distracting bodily movement than side to side motions. Go ahead, stand up and try it - unless you are reading this at work.

Fast forward to breakfast Tuesday morning. Fletcher likes to sit at our snack bar to eat breakfast and he likes for Kevin to sit next to him and eat too. I am on the other side of the snack bar getting Luke's breakfast ready with my back to them. I was just mixing up Luke's baby cereal. Such a simple task. Just for the record, I was not mixing concrete.

Fletcher said, "Mom, your pants are jiggling."

I think Kevin might have snorted milk out of his nose.

Can cereal be stirred in an up and down motion?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Todd and I laughed long and hard at this one! There's nothing like a kid to keep you grounded in reality!!