Friday, July 11, 2008

It's always better with books

Picture this: Fletcher is in the bathroom at TJ Maxx trying to take care of serious business with two other ladies in the stalls next to him. Mom and Luke are outside the stall waiting for him. Luke has discovered the acoustical qualities of the bathroom and is yelling at the top of his lungs. Fletcher has to talk over him to be heard:
"MOM, you know I do better when I p00p if I am at home with some books."
Muffled snickering from the other stalls.
Welcome to my life.
The painters were here all day on Thursday. Our walls look great, but the rest of the house looks like we just moved in. Again. All the furniture is pushed to the center of the room. There are no pictures on the walls. Decorative items are in bizarre places. Hopefully, we'll get our house back in order this weekend and post some pictures. It really is amazing what a little paint can do.

1 comment:

Thom Trahan said...

You tell Fletcher that's nothing to be ashamed about! As much as my parents tried to discourage me from reading in the bathroom as a child, there's nothing better than a good book!