Tuesday, July 22, 2008

For all the Little People

My parents kept some of my old toys from when I was a kid. Since I am the mom of boys, I realize that my boys (due to my husband's influence) will never get to play with my Donny and Marie Osmond dolls complete with matching purple outfits. And Donny's purple socks. Do you know I share a birthday with him? I thought that was pure awesomeness when I was younger. They also had holes in their hands so you could attach their microphones while they were singing, "I'm a Little Bit Country" and "I'm a Little Bit Rock and Roll". That, my friend, was good television. Fletcher and Luke won't get to play with my Charlie's Angels dolls either. They had matching jumpsuits, knee high boots and neck scarves. Jill, Sabrina, and Kelly - I wanted to be just like Jaclyn Smith. I did end up driving a Mustang similar to the one Kelly drove. That's another post for another day.
However, Fletcher has found the joy of playing with my Fisher Price Little People village. The barber shop, the dentist, the post office, the firestation, the jail, the movie theater, the walkover bridge with working stoplight and more. I remember playing with these for hours. I also had a camper, an airplane, and a hospital but they somehow were lost after Hurricane Rita. I've been tempted to buy them on ebay, but Kevin is thankful that I have resisted. Plus, it just wouldn't be the same knowing that they weren't really mine. Thanks to my sister, Fletcher also gets to play with the Little People barn, the preschool, the pool and the playground. He too spends hours playing with these in his room. I did have to explain to him what a phone booth was.

In case you missed it, please note that even after 35 years, I STILL have all 6 of the white plastic pieces of mail that the mailperson delivered to everyone in the village. Does anyone know how to spell anal retentive?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe you have to also thank all of your nieces & nephews who played with all of your little people for so many years for not losing any of the mail pieces...I guess anal retentiveness runs in the family. We always had so much fun with those people!