Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Maybe I Should Have Gone to Seminary

Tuesday at lunch. Fletcher is at the snack bar eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Fletcher: Mom, I am not one of Abraham's sons.
Mom: Huh? (wondering who in the world he was talking about)
F: Abraham - I am not his son**
Mom: I'm not sure what we are talking about (I find myself saying this alot with Fletcher)
F: You know, that song about "Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them. . ." He's not my father.

(Ahhh, yes. It finally all clicked for me. The song that goes on forever. Since I worked in the preschool area just this past Sunday at church, I am convinced that someone invented that Father Abraham song to give kids something to do in Sunday School when the pastor's sermon went long and the poor teachers were DONE. I mean, seriously, what does moving your right or left arm, or any body part for that matter, really teach you about Jesus?)

Mom: Well, technically the Bible says you are. We all are.

Parenting dilemma: Do I explain the covenant between God and Abraham in the Old Testament or maybe share that verse in Romans 4:16? I thought that a discussion of covenants and circumcision and being asked to sacrifice your son on a mountain might be a little much for a 4 year old to handle over peanut butter and jelly.

F: No, I'm not.
Mom: Um, it's time for me to feed Luke.

**Just a few days earlier, we had a conversation about adoption and what it means. He has always known he was adopted, but he is just now old enough to start putting the pieces together about birthmothers and birthfathers. We told him he could ask more questions if he had any so I thought his comment might be related to that.

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