Friday, October 29, 2010

Teacher Conference

Thursday was Parent/Teacher Conference Day at Fletcher's school.  We met with Mrs. R and she had great things to say about Fletcher.  She said he is doing very well and is a leader in his class.  He gets a little excited sometimes and talks out of turn or interrupts his teacher, but it is never out of disrespect.  He is learning.  She also said he is a gentleman to the girls in the class too which the girls love.  We got to see some of his work.  They keep a Bible journal and a nature journal.  I wish I could have borrowed it to scan some pictures to put on the blog.  His picture of Joseph in the pit and Moses and the burning bush were especially cute.  He even had the conversation bubble coming out of the burning bush saying "I AM GOD."  She also showed us some of his sentences he made up.  One in particular said, "I am a hunter of deer."  Wonder where he got that from. 

Fletcher read a note that someone had wrote to me and it was in cursive.  I showed him how to make some cursive letters which made me wonder if he would eventually learn cursive too.  I have found out that some schools show it around 3rd grade, but never require the kids to use it after that.  So I asked the teacher specifically about cursive writing in later grades and typing.  She said they teach it in 3rd, practice in 4th and use it extensively in 5th and 6th.  In 7th grade they start using computers to type papers.  But because of our shorter school day, they don't teach formal keyboarding skills.  Well, I vividly remember Mrs. Broussard teaching Typing I to me in high school.  It was a tough class, but I am so glad I took it.  I can sit down in our dark office and type without the light on once I know my hands are on the home keys.  Now there are lots of typing tutorials online like Mavis Beacon and some others. I'll do some research and find a good for Fletcher to learn when the time comes. 

I know I sound like a broken record, but I am so thankful for his school and his teacher and his classmates.  They are unapologetically Christ focused in all they say and do and it shows.  Fletcher has told me numerous times that he loves his school (but he wishes he could ride a bus).  In a world where education choices can get overwhelming, I am so glad this is such a good fit for our family.  I am thankful God provides the money in the budget for us to send him to this school and I don't take that for granted.  Of course, we don't know what the future holds (but we know who is in control of it), but I hope we are at this school for a very long time. 

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