Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Remember how I said I was excited about school and preschool starting because I had a long To Do list of projects that I had been putting off all summer? I couldn't wait to get started.

Well, I am ashamed to admit that today is October 6. School has been going on for a month and a half and our art/school supply cabinet still looks like this.

Stickers, glue, coloring books, piggy banks, scissors, stamps, markes, pencil colors, tape, beads, shells, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, paint, lined paper, colored paper, cards, foam sheets, hole punch, envelopes, notecards, and pipecleaners. There's not even room for the Play Doh.

The really pathetic thing is that I bought some organizer bins, trays, and containers several weeks ago and they are still sitting on the counter in the Office Max bag mocking me. I just move them around when the cleaning people come. I'm hoping that by posting the pictures of the inside of the cabinet I will be embarrassed and motivated enough to get it organized. So stay tuned to see if that really happens.

On a positive note, I did make this fall wreath for our front door. The whole thing only cost $20 for supplies. I even made the bow. But don't look too closely at it since it is held together by twist ties. This should count for something. Yes?

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

When/if you finish yours can you come organize mine? Everytime I open the door Caleb points out that something falls out. Nice. Oh and by the way, I personally like the pig's tail in your cubby - I think you need to leave him just like that for posterity.