Thursday, August 26, 2010

To Do List

I'm usually a list person. When I worked outside the home (notice I didn't say "when I worked" because I still work, it's just a very different kind of work), I thrived on lists. With college ministry there was always something to plan or research or someone to call or email. When I worked for the computer software training company, I always had a new book to prep or classrooms to manage.

I loved the feeling of accomplishment when I could cross one or several things off of my list at the end of the day. And yes, sadly, I am one of those nerdy people that would add other things to the list that I had already done just so I could have the satisfaction of crossing them off. I think there's a term for that. OCD -- which technically should be CDO because then the letters would be in the right order.

Where was I?

Oh yes. To Do Lists.

I've kind of gotten away from making lists except for my grocery list mainly because I never feel like I accomplish anything on them. I start a task then have to stop and make snacks or help someone go potty or referee a sibling interaction or should I say altercation.

Well, with school about to start on Monday for Fletcher (Luke doesn't start preschool until after Labor Day), I think I'll be returning to my To Do List. I've put off so many things this summer and thought that I would do them when school starts again. Well, here we are so here's my partial list:

Clean out Fletcher's closet (I've not said a word all summer, but it is ridiculously messy)

Reorganize the art supply cabinet in the kitchen (Fletcher loves to take stuff out but doesn't put it back)

Clean out the cabinet under the sink in my bathroom (Ugh!)

Make an eye doctor appointment for me

Make a mammogram appointment (also for me)

Organize my recipes so I can actually find something (this has been on the to do list since Fletcher was in preschool)

Get back to my habit of making a weekly menu and sticking to it

Mail some things that Luke has outgrown to my great-nephew Bear

Organize my gift stash (I have a big bin where I put things that I find on sale, McDonalds toys, etc. Some will be used for birthday gifts and some things like the McD toys will be used in our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.)

Send our family room details and measurements to my decorator friend so she can help with the family room makeover.

Keep up with my Experiencing God homework for our class on Sunday nights. I did this study about 16 years ago when I was single and living in Houston. Kevin and I are doing it together and our pastor is the teacher.

Spend less time on Facebook and the computer in general so I can get this list done.

I'm sure I will add more to it as the school year goes on.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Papa Charlie. We love you!

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