Friday, October 15, 2010

Boys 'N Da Hood

We have a total of 11 boys who live on our street.  They range in age from Luke who is the youngest at 3 yrs old to the oldest being a senior in high school.  Almost every afternoon after school and in the evenings many of them (except for the senior) can be found playing outside up and down the street.  For my child who thrives on social interaction, Fletcher LOVES playing with all of them.  Considering the fact that there are several ages represented, they actually do a pretty good job of including everyone as they play.  Disagreements are resolved quickly without parental intervention.  Who has time to fight when there's only so much time to play before being called in for dinner?  Sometimes the games include hide and seek or some manner of riding down the street toward the cul de sac at breakneck speeds on bikes, wagons, scooters and other kid "vehicles."  Our street is at the perfect angle for this kind of ride - not too fast, but fast enough to make mom a little nervous!  They make up games with balls and chalk, but they still take time to play with Luke in his sandbox.  I'm writing this Thursday night and the boys just came in with Kevin.  It is completely dark outside.  They played until they just couldn't see anymore.

That's what childhood memories are made of.

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