Friday, October 8, 2010

Lunch Date

Fletcher didn't have school today. The teachers were at a conference in Atlanta. But Luke had preschool today. So Fletcher and I had a little lunch date. It has been awhile since just the two of us have been out together. I need to make it a point to do it more often.

He chose Moe's as our restaurant. He wanted both of us to sit on the same side of the booth. Smile! Then he wanted to know about when Kevin and I dated. I had fun telling him all about it. How we met, where me met, what I thought of Kevin, where we went on our first date, how he treated me. He really liked it when I told him that our first date was to the 20th anniversary re-release of Star Wars.

But I did run into a few unexpected questions that I was unprepared to answer. Like when we were talking and I said I really thought Kevin was cute and I hoped he would call me and ask me on a date. Then we talked more and Fletcher said that maybe someday a girl would call him. I quickly said that was a bad idea, but couldn't exactly explain why in a way that he would understand (without using words like forward, agressive, throwing herself at you, etc).

Thankfully, I have a few years to figure this one out.

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