Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've noticed a pattern.

I've started a few posts with the whole "I normally don't talk about bodily functions on the blog, but..." disclaimer.

Well, I've decided with a two and a half year old who is potty training, some posts are just going to have to be about bodily functions. So no more excuses or disclaimers. Now I'm just going to say that sometimes I do talk about pee and p00p on this blog. So now you know.

Because I spend the majority of my day with Luke, it is inevitable that I have to take him to the bathroom when we are out running errands.

I'm trying to think of a way to put this delicately. When it is just the two of us, he has to be with me when I have to go too.

(I can't believe I am telling this. He will DIE when he reads this when he is about 13.)

Imagine for a moment...

You are at the local mall and you feel the urge so you go into their public restroom into one of the stalls...

Then you hear a little voice in the stall next to you....

"Mom!!!! You're doing it! You are going in the potty!"

"Good job, Mom!"

"Mommy, I am so proud of you!"

"You are such a big girl, Mom!"

"Flush, Mommy. Then wash your hands!"

I haven't felt so encouraged in my bathroom habits in probably 40 years.

I hear you snickering in your stall.

Then, because I'm a germ freak, I flush the toilet with my foot. The first time Luke saw me do it, he thought it was hilarious. He busts out with "You don't flush with your foot, Mommy. You flush with your hands, silly!" (Yes, I heard you continue to laugh in your stall). Now at home he tries to flush with his foot.

You can just imagine how that's going.

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