Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kindergarten Pool Fun

We've only been out of school for a week and Fletcher is already missing all of his friends at kindergarten. He had 8 students in his class and 8 in the other kindergarten class. The 16 of them ate lunch and played together everyday. Since our neighborhood is not built out yet (only 40 homes out of 200) and since no one uses the pool especially in the mornings, we invited everyone to come for a swim and a picnic lunch.

I forgot to pull out my camera until we turned on the fountains. They had a ball and both Fletcher and Luke took naps that afternoon. Luke still naps daily, but Fletcher hasn't napped in forever.

Luke is loving the water this summer. He doesn't want to get out of the pool when it is time to go. He asks every day if we can go to the pool. Even with tons of sunscreen, he already has a tan.

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