Friday, June 25, 2010

Budding Author

We've been reading alot of kid mystery books this summer. Fletcher decided he wanted to write a mystery story of his own. So he jumped right in.

The title of the book is Big Town. This is a picture of a barn with two cowboys. The cowboy on the bottom is trying to lasso the horse or maybe it's a bull or a cow. Did I mention our VBS was a western/ranch/cowboy theme this year?

While a good mom would have made him use proper "first grade lined" paper to write his story so that his letters would be the proper height, I am just a mediocre mom who is tired and hot. (See yesterday's post.) So when he brought out the bright orange ruled paper, I didn't stop him. While he did spell everything correctly, our scanner cut off some of the words. He insisted we use the "to be continued" phrase along with the dot, dot, dots. I don't know where he gets his dramatic flair.
This is the illustration for chapter one.

He started chapter 2 and decided he needed a break. I needed a break too since I have to help him spell most of the words. But this is a good review for him.

Is the suspense killing you? I'll post more as he writes it. I can't wait to see what happens on Saddle Ridge Ranch!

1 comment:

Traci said...

HAHAHAHA!! I guess that I forgot to read the blog this morning. This is hilarious!! He actually has very nice handwriting. Oh & did he erase one of his friends names?? LOL!!