Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rock A Bye Baby

As parents we make split second decisions that seem like really good decisions at the time. But then there are the consequences.

Exhibit A:

Several things I love about this video:
1. The crib does not fall apart when the dad climbs in. That is a heavy duty crib.
2. The baby stops crying almost immediately when dad lays down.
3. The dad actually thinks he might get some sleep with his head resting against the bumper pad.
4. At the 2:45 mark the baby grabs on to dad like dog hair on a black sweater. He's not going anywhere.
5. The dad is creative - most parents bring the baby into the parents' bed.
6. I can't think of a 6th thing. But I do remember those days when I would have done just about anything to get my babies to just go back to sleep!

1 comment:

Meagan N. said...

While kind of sweet, I don't understand why they didn't just pick her up and lay down with her in the bed. Obviously all she wanted was some lovin. Works for me.