Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Our "home office" is in the front of our house so when I am sitting at the computer and the shutters are open, I can see our street and our neighbors houses across from us.

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a car pull up and park in between my neighbors' houses. We all try to keep an eye out for each other around here so I watched to see who this person was and what he was doing. I looked out again and there was a single red rose on the ground by his car.

Of course, now I am really curious so I get up to get a better look. A teenage boy was in the middle of the street and had written "P R O M ? ?" in chalk in large letters in front of my neighbor's house -- my neighbor with a teenaged cheerleader daughter. My neighbor - the former NYPD officer. Must be a teeny bit scary for this young boy (who was having trouble keeping his pants up). Because I am completely nosey and because both boys were in their rooms resting, I kept watching to see what would happen. He took the rose and his cell phone to the front porch and proceeded to call and/or text her while he was hiding next to the front door. They have a dog and the dog must have been going nuts because Dad came to the door and saw chalk boy. Dad was smiling so he must like chalk boy. Teenaged girl took forever. She must have put on makeup or straightened her hair or something. But I kept waiting and watching. I am wondering if this is a boyfriend or a kid going out on a limb to ask the cute girl to prom. Will she say yes? Will it be awkward? Will she accept the rose? What if she says no? This is better than reality tv!

She finally comes out, sees the chalk invitation, then sees chalk boy with the rose. They hug and she accepts the rose. They hug again and maybe even kiss.

I am such a sucker for a romantic gesture like that. I really wanted to get a picture, but chalk boy wouldn't leave and it was getting dark. I just knew if I went outside with my camera, they would come out and see me. Then I'd be known as "creepy weird neighbor lady."

Then Kevin called and I told him the story. He gave me the brilliant idea to go upstairs and take a picture from our upstairs window because that's not creepy at all. I'd like to show you the pictures now, but they didn't come out. This was a rainy overcast day, and the camera was focusing on everything but the chalk.

I need to get a life.


Traci said...

HAHA!! It is more funny to me that Uncle Kevin is into it as well. That is really cute though!

Georgia Girl said...

So if you were "stealing" a glance I wonder how much the IRS is expecting you to report! It always amazes me how much can be going on around us if we are just still enough to notice. What a nice story! And to think they'll never know that "creepy weird neighbor lady" ever saw unless of course they read your blog and then it'll be "creepy weird neighbor lady who tried to get a picture AND blogged about it later". JK!