Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I write this blog so family and friends far away can watch our boys grow up. I also write so that our boys can look back and remember their childhood. Sometimes I write random things that I happen to be thinking about. So most things are from my perspective which means Kevin gets left out sometimes.

So I'm trying to remedy that.

I wrote about my supposed "celebrity look alikes" (also known as doppelgangers) last week. Then I realized Fletcher and Luke might read that someday and think, "Hmm. I wonder who Dad looked like?"

So now it is Kevin's turn.


Can you guess?

Matt Damon. But not Matt Damon in just any of his movies. Matt Damon in some of his earlier stuff and especially in Saving Private Ryan. There's something about his voice and the military short haircut.


Now you know.

1 comment:

Traci said...

I think Matt Damon in the Rainmaker especially. It isn't just their looks either...it is something in their voices that makes them even more a match.