Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Luke's Version of Snow Day

The conversation:

Mom: Luke, do you see the snow outside?
Luke: Yes, Mommy.
Mom: Luke, do you want to go play in the snow with Mommy and Fletcher?
Luke: No, Mommy.
Mom: Are you sure? It will be fun. We can make a snowman.
Luke: No, Mommy.

So I decided to bring the snow to him. He played here at the sink for at least 45 minutes. He would have played longer, but Fletcher realized what was happening and then they started fighting at the sink. Are my kids the only ones who do this?

Kevin and Fletcher were watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics on the incredibly loud TV in the background.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Too cute! I can't wait to see y'all!