Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last week at school, Fletcher's class listened to "Claire de lune" by the French composer Claude Debussy. They used watercolor paint to paint "what the music made them feel."

I asked Fletcher to tell me about his picture. He told me this was a picture of Grandma Daphne's house in Tallahassee. Grandma Daphne passed away several months ago. He met her when he was a toddler before she got sick, but of course he doesn't remember that. He does remember going to her funeral and feeling sad, but also feeling happy knowing that she wasn't sick anymore and was in heaven. I didn't remember when he had ever seen her house since she didn't live in Tallahassee anymore. But Fletcher reminded me that when we went down for the funeral, Kevin drove us by her old house where she and Papa Floyd lived when Kevin was a child. Kevin would go visit them there.

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