Friday, August 13, 2010

We're Off

We're off again for one last trip to the beach before school starts.

If you know where we live, don't get any crazy ideas to come rob us for several reasons:

1. We bought our TV on craigslist for $40. We don't exactly have a bunch of expensive, high tech equipment. You would be so disappointed.

2. The most expensive piece of jewelry I own is my wedding ring which I will be wearing. Everything else is from the sales rack at Dillards or Macys. Or hand made by Fletcher when he was in preschool.

3. I actually wouldn't mind if you came in and stole a large portion of the kids' toys. They probably wouldn't miss them and it would be less for me to pick up on a daily basis.

4. I'm taking most of our snacks with us so the pantry will be kinda bare. But I will say it is really tacky to rob someone and eat their food.

5. CPI did replace our security system that got struck by lightning.

6. A retired NYPD officer is dog sitting Sadie for us while we are gone. He shoots first and asks questions later so I wouldn't risk it. Since he's been retired for a while now, he might have an itchy trigger finger. Just sayin'

Ok so now that we've cleared that up, I can tell you where we are going.

Our friends invited us to Harbor Island, SC. It is south of Charleston and north of Hilton Head on a little island that juts out into the St. Helena Sound. Our friends are already there and they said the house is right on the beach. Literally. Like we can fish off the balcony and the water comes to the steps during high tide. I'm thinking I might need to pack my Dramamine. At low tide the water is pretty shallow so the kids will enjoy that. There's a state park nearby that is supposed to be good for surfing so Kevin is bringing his board.

Once again, I am sure we will have pictures to share upon our return.