Monday, August 9, 2010


My sister-in-law Stacie (whose kids are 12 and 10) once told me that when I start the carpool stage with kids I can learn a whole lot if I just turn the radio down and drive and listen. Well, we are just getting into the carpool phase where I take Fletcher and a friend to school or the movies or to a birthday party.

My friend Jen took her son Noah and Fletcher to a birthday party this weekend. Jen called me later with the following "overheard" stories.

They got on the subject of presents and Fletcher started listing off his Christmas wish list. The conversation went a little like this:

Fletcher: I want a jet pack**. (I have no idea where he saw, heard or read about a jet pack and it's capabilities).

Noah: A play one?

Fletcher: No a real one.

Noah: (in a very, very serious tone) Well, you better listen to your mommy and daddy's instructions carefully about how to work it because it could be dangerous.

Then they got on the subject of Sadie and what we do with her when we go on vacation. Since we now have several kids in our neighborhood who are at the right age to dog sit, we just have one of them come over instead of putting Sadie in the kennel.

Fletcher: Sadie tries to climb over the seat when she's in the car on vacation with us.

Mrs. Jen: Sadie goes on vacation with you? I thought Daniel (one of the neighbor kids) came over to take care of her.

Fletcher: Daniel doesn't work for Sadie anymore. Shannon and Ariana do.

Who knew Sadie had peeps on her payroll!

**This was our conversation regarding the jet pack earlier in the week:
Fletcher: Mom, I want a jet pack for Christmas.
Mom: Oh, I don't know. Those things are probably very expensive.
Fletcher: But Mom, when Santa and the elves make them, they're free!
How can I argue with that logic?

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

That is hilarious! A jet pack - wonder what that does. Maybe it's like those ones on the commercial made out of two Oatmeal containers.