Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The scene: Luke is playing with his Duplo Lego blocks. I use the term "playing" rather loosely since he prefers to just dump all of them out of their bin and then spread them all over the room. (Then he whines and complains when I make him pick all of them up. I am such a mean mom. )

I am in the other room.

Luke: Mom, I singin a song about my Wegos. (he "sings" something I can't quite interpret)

Then I hear crashing noises that sound like he is throwing his Legos all over the room.

Mom: Luke, come here please.
Luke: Yes, Mommy?
Mom: I like it when you sing songs about your Legos, but remember that we don't throw the Legos. Do you understand? You could break something.
Luke: Yes na'am.

Luke (walks back into the other room where I can't see him then starts singing and I hear more crashing noises): Frowing, Frowing, I'm frowing my Wegos.

(Translation: Throwing, Throwing, I'm throwing my Legos.)

When does preschool start again?

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