Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Garden City, SC

Since we moved here from Florida, we don't know much about NC and SC beaches. One of Kevin's friends and coworkers very, very graciously offered to let us borrow their new beach house in Garden City, SC for a summer getaway.

It was wonderful! The house was awesome and had everything we needed and plenty of room. It is about two blocks away from the beach.

The golf cart was included in the deal to get all of our stuff back and forth to the beach. The boys loved going for golf cart rides in the evenings and a few golf cart rides in the mornings to pick up doughnuts or bagels. Yes, that's Kevin's surfboard strapped to the top.

The beach house had a pool in the backyard too. Of course, the boys loved this.

This was the "pool" at the beach that Kevin built. Luke wasn't crazy about the waves, but he loved playing in his little sand pool.

Fletcher and Kevin spent alot of time on the boogie boards and learning to body surf.

I spent alot of time doing absolutely nothing but watching the kids and Kevin play.

Luke found this purple shovel in all the toys at the beach house and it was his best friend all week. He dug and dug and dug and dug. He had no desire to play with anything else. Kevin took him out in the waves to play and he really wasn't crazy about them. Maybe next year.

A few attempts were made at building a sandcastle. But someone on the demolition crew didn't allow much building to be done. I won't mention any names...
There were two piers near where we were - one in Garden City and one in Surfside. We walked down the one in Garden City to see all the people fishing off of it.
They buried Kevin up to his knees. Fletcher was so excited to be as tall as Dad.

My souvenir from the trip was this hat from Orvis. Now that I'm old, I have to protect my delicate skin. Just call me Mamaw!
While we were there, we took the kids to see Toy Story 3. I may or may not have cried during the last 10 minutes. Fletcher and Kevin played Magiquest which was very cool. I did a little shopping and read a couple of books. We watched 62 episodes of Phineas and Ferb. We don't get the Disney channel at home so this was a treat for Fletcher (and Kevin too).
Tomorrow you'll get to see our attempted non-professional beach photo shoot. Prepare to be amazed.

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