Monday, February 14, 2011

V Day 2011

I don't know what got into me. It would have been easy to just go purchase two boxes of Valentines for the boys to give to their classmates. However, I saw this cute idea on a craft blog and thought they might have fun making these for their friends. We actually made it a family project and we all had fun with it.

Melted Heart Crayons for Valentine's Day

What you will need:
Lots of old crayons* (Crayola brand works best, other brands are too waxy)
Box cutter
Metal or silicone muffin pan (Mine was heart shaped; be sure it can go in the oven otherwise it will melt)
Pam spray (if using metal pan)

What to do:
Preheat oven to 250 degrees
Peel paper off of crayons (We used a box cutter to score each crayon down the side which made it much easier to peel.  Obviously, an adult needs to do this part)
Break crayons into small pieces**
Lightly spray muffin tin with Pam (do this for each batch)
Fill muffin tin with various broken pieces (avoid using too many dark colors)
Put in oven for 10 minutes
Put in freezer for 5-10 minutes until you see crayons pull away from the sides of pan
Pop out
Give away

*Depending on how many you are making, this project takes LOTS of crayons especially if you take out most of the darker colors.  I wanted to use our old ones, but I ended up having to go buy another big box to make enough for both classes.
**Breaking the crayons was Luke's favorite part.  We had to remind him that this was a special project and we shouldn't break crayons at preschool or at church.  We'll see if he remembers. 

I bought 3" X 4" treat bags at Michaels to put the hearts in.  I printed the poem on cardstock and attached it to scrapbook paper.  Then I stapled the paper to the bag. 

 Try not to move the pan too much when you pull it out of the oven or the colors will run together. 

I had read about making camouflage ones using browns, blacks, dark greens, and tans.  We tried it, but they didn't turn out at all. They just looked like dark blobs.  That's what the circles are.  Fletcher thought they were cool, but we decided not to give them away.
Finished product.
It isn't Valentines without a corny poem, right?  I hope the kids like them.  And as an added bonus, they're not candy so maybe the parents will like them too!

Happy Valentine's Day 2011!

Good news:  Tucker got to go home from the hospital yesterday!  Praise the Lord!

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