Friday, February 11, 2011


4 am

Kevin is out of town.

Luke is crying.

I go in his room and he says, "Mommy, my room is moving."


He's burning up.


He says, "My froat hurts too."

He smells weird. (My kids get this weird smell when they get sick.  It's kinda hard to explain.)

Off to the doctor this morning.

It's strep. 

I had it last week so I probably gave it to him.

Mommy guilt.

All things considered, I'm actually thankful.  So much is going around right now - the flu, a nasty stomach virus, some other "mystery" viruses with no explanations and no meds that help. 
At least with strep we know what it is and we now have antibiotics to treat it. 

He was so pitiful today.  I hate seeing my kids sick. 

He hasn't been napping lately and today he actually asked to go lay down and then slept for almost 4 hours. 

Woke up with more fever. 

Kevin saved the day with more Motrin and Tylenol.

I hope with his medicine and lots of rest he will be all better for his Valentine's party next week at school. 

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