Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Surgery

Tucker is having surgery this morning between 11 am and 12 noon to drain the fluid in his right lung from the pneumonia.  The docs were hoping that the strong antibiotics would take care of the fluid without surgery, but that didn't happen.  It is so very hard watching our friends go through this.  I know they know God is in control and He is faithful and good.  But watching your only child suffer so much is so hard for them. 

Teresa and I were talking yesterday about the fact that every single time a parent approaches Jesus with a sick or dying (or in the case of Jarius' daughter - already dead) child, Jesus never turned a parent away.  He always listened.  I know God can heal Tucker completely.  I know hundreds of people are praying for him.  Needless to say, this is weighing very heavy on my heart which is why I haven't felt  like blogging much recently.  Selfishly I want God to remove this situation because it is hard to watch our dear friends hurting. But God keeps reminding me that instead of praying for Him to remove it, I should be praying for God to carry them through it and use the situation to draw them closer to Him. 

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