Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Singing In The Rain

Just the other day I was thinking about all the camps and retreats I went to as a kid and as an adult leader. Several of them stood out for various reasons (like the time I accidentally left one of my youth in a mall in Albuquerque, NM). I remembered one because the camp speaker had us "make rain" with our hands and feet. We were in a very echo-y (probably not a word) building so the acoustics were perfect. I just couldn't remember what all we did to make the different sounds.

Then I ran across this little gem. They start singing at the 1:52ish mark but the first part is awesome. Make sure your volume isn't muted. Watch it once to see what they actually do with their hands and feet, then play it again and close your eyes and just listen to the sound.

Thanks for the memory Perpetuum Jazzile.

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