Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Headbands and Leg Warmers

I hesitate to mention this on the blog but maybe if I put it in writing then I'll be more accountable for it.

First, a little background info. Exercising has always been very sporadic for me. I've always had a somewhat high metabolism I guess. While I can't eat "whatever I want whenever I want", I've always been about the same size give or take a few pounds. So exercising hasn't ever been a big priority. I did a little Jane Fonda aerobics back in the 80's. I was a member of the Texas Lady Health Club and later our church's gym in the 90's when I lived in Houston (I was queen of step aerobics). In Jacksonville, I went to the Y occasionally. But once we made it to Tallahassee all that came to a screeching halt. I even gave my Gold's Gym membership to our pastor.

I've been thinking that relying on good genes and a high metabolism isn't exactly the right way to take care of my body for the long haul. I've used the kids as an excuse for not working out. Driving to a gym to take yoga or zumba or cardio funk sounds fun but overwhelming when you add making dinner, afternoon naps, and laundry and the fact that the closest gym is at least 10-15 minutes away and pricey.

So what's a girl to do? I've started to notice a whole lot more jiggle and a lot less firmess in many areas and that's as detailed as I'll get. Except for one example. I have teacher flaps - you know the skin that hangs down from a teacher's arm and flaps in the breeze when she writes on the chalkboard (take a moment to visualize) - yes, I have those. And I am too young to have those.

So I'm trying to do two things (baby steps). First, I'm trying to kick the Diet Coke habit. I've had one Diet Coke every day for lunch for as long as I can remember. There are some questionable things about aspertame that I won't get into, but google it if you are curious. Second, I've been getting up at 6 am for several mornings each week to get out for a 35-40 minute walk in our neighborhood. Shocker - I know. I am not a morning person either. But the kids are still sleeping, Kevin is at home. It is cool outside and quiet. I've actually been enjoying it.

I can't go on the mornings Kevin has to go to Chapel Hill since he has to leave by 6 am so I plan to order a couple of exercise DVDs that focus on muscle toning and stretching (to help me get rid of my teacher flaps). These will also be helpful on the days it is raining.

I know you are hoping for Before and After photos. But it ain't happenin'.


All Things Istre of Katy said...

good luck... I recently bought some expensive (at least for me) new balance sneakers to jog the neighborhood. Since I got them I ran the first night (3 weeks ago) and have not put them on since. :)

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, friend. I have a Walk Away the Pounds DVD that I am TRYING to do regularly. Todd exercises in the morning, so thats out for me, and in the evening I just don't want to! Keep me posted on how it's going!