Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm Almost Five

In just 2 weeks, Luke will turn two years old. We are starting to see evidence of the wonderful world of two already.

(My original intent was to get Luke to sing the Bob The Builder theme song on video. He knows all the words and typically walks around the house singing it at the top of his lungs. He's also been known to sing it in Target or the grocery store if the acoustics are just right. However, tonight he would not sing it so we captured this video instead.)

We've been trying to teach him that he is almost 2. But he hears Fletcher say that Fletcher is 5 so he has gotten his wires crossed, so to speak. He cracks himself up.

Here's what life is like with him. Do not adjust your monitor. That orange hue you see on his cheeks, forehead and chest is indeed spaghetti sauce (and yes, he insists on having a napkin at every meal). I love the way he can switch gears from comedian to Mr. Cranky Pants. His face and those furrowed eyebrows make me smile. Let's just say that at this rate I don't think we will have to worry about someone/anyone trying to get him to do something he doesn't want to do. He can be a teeny bit stubborn.


Traci said...

LOL!! This is for grandma & mawmaw & whoever else reads that blog.

Very cute video!!

Thom Trahan said...

Whoa, hey, did he end up singing "we will rock you?" That kid has class!

Georgia Girl said...

Very cute! It seems 3 has only increased in stubborness in our home.