Thursday, June 11, 2009

Throwback Thursday

The date: Fall 1996
The place: Kevin's first apartment in Houston
The mood: We've had a tragedy of sorts in our home. See the gigantic, mammoth black entertainment center in the picture? See the television inside it? Kevin had that television before he moved to Houston. Before he met me. Before we got married. So doing the math, that television is about 15 years old. Or should I say "was about 15 years old." It died yesterday peacefully in its sleep mode. I tried to turn it on and it just wouldn't wake up.

(Side note: try explaining this to a 5 year old and a 21 month old eagerly waiting to watch Curious George)

Kevin came home, checked the wires and confirmed that it was gone. He carried it out to the garage after the kids went to bed.

I realize the whole flat screen, plasma, televisions bigger than your wall are popular right now. But frankly, we watch so little television (remember we are down to basic cable anyway) that spending lots of money on a television was not a priority for us.

For now, we put the television from our room in the armoire. We don't hold out much hope for it either. I had it when I was in college which makes it at least 20 years old. Here's a photo of our new set up. If you squint really hard, you can see the tv.

When I was a kid we got in trouble for sitting too close to the tv. My mom would say we would go blind or something like that. I suppose in this case I can't really fuss at the boys if they sit too close. I think we all may have to.


All Things Istre of Katy said...
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Georgia Girl said...

That's hilarious! I was just talking TVs with hubby last night and asking why his father needed one that was as large as the wall. I was also asking why when we had dinner over there he had to have Jeopardy turned up so loud I couldn't hear myself think. I hope this isn't a sign of my future.

You could always just use your computer to watch hulu.