Friday, June 19, 2009

Judge Not

Many of you know that in August of last year I really started actively trying to cut down on our grocery bill using menus, coupons, etc. We've done ok, but I've "fallen off the wagon" recently. There are great deals out there, but it does take time to find them and then go to the store (or several stores) and get them. Around these parts, some people are known as "hoarders". They have multiple coupons for an item and when the item is on sale or if the store is having triple coupons, these hoarders go in and clean the shelf of every single item the store has. So when another couponer comes along just to buy one or two of that same item, there are no more. Some hoarders say they give stuff away to food banks and other non-profits which is awesome. However, I'm not so sure about some others.

What you are about to see here is real. However, these photos are NOT mine. This is NOT my pantry, basement or any other part of my house. I saw this on a a coupon forum where people were posting pictures of their stockpiles. This person acquired all of these things using coupons and store deals since Sept 08 (less than a year). I do not know how many people are in her family.

This one is the most amazing of all. (in case you can't tell, those are all boxes of cereal)The first step is admitting you have a problem.

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

I think one of those photos was taken at my grandparents house...children of the Great Depression.