Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Retail Store Owners and Managers,

I realize as Americans too many of us have a bad habit of making impulse purchases. That's why you strategically place non-essential items like candy, chocolate, mini Sharpies and mini Etch-A-Sketch toys by the register in hopes that a hurried mommy will just say, "Ok, yes, you can have that."

I get it.

However, let me introduce you to my 21 month old son whom I will refer to as Octopus Toddler or OT for reasons which will soon become obvious. He thinks all of those things are for his personal enjoyment while I attempt to check out. It doesn't help matters that his older brother also thinks that in order to experience life to the fullest he too must pick up said items.

Yes, Mr. Store Manager at Michaels I was trying to buy several large picture frames with two children in tow. Yes, your shopping carts are the exact same size as the Little Tykes play cart at home. Which is perfect if one is buying a few stickers or perhaps a bottle of glue. However, it is rather difficult to balance a 16 X20 frame while pushing a cart containing OT. Especially when all of the safety belts on every single cart are broken. So please do not give me "that look" when OT proceeds to knock over the entire box of glitter bouncy balls strategically placed at the check out counter causing them to roll and bounce in a hundred different directions. You are probably still trying to find all of them. I hope the elderly woman looking for a crochet needle and yarn didn't break her hip when she fell on one. Kudos to you for at least taking pity on me and helping me out to the car with my frames.

And Mrs. Pier 1 Imports Manager, I won't even begin to ask you why you have a box of bouncy balls right next to the glass vases, ceramic platters and lamps. OT has no aim but he has tons of enthusiasm when he hurls that ball before mommy can pry it out of his little fingers.

Thank you for letting me vent,
A frazzled mommy

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

I like it. Not only is it their markeing ploy to get you to purchase the bouncy ball you never wanted but does the "you break it, you buy it" rule apply, too?

Those Michael's carts are way too small. I was trying to buy frames and haul the infant carrier around while using the plug (pacifier). Trust me, you're not the only one who gets looks. At least C was not there, too.

Then there are the looks. The "why are you letting your baby cry", the "why are you dragging your toddler by his arm", the "I can't believe you would buy your kid anything" look. The best look of all is the other mother in line who has sympathetic eyes and endearingly distracts your child with a song or silly face long enough for you to pay!!