Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Exactly one year ago today I started this blog. It is hard to believe it has been a year! There have been 270 posts counting this one. The creating process has been fun.

I'm not sure what one does to celebrate a blogiversary.

Any ideas?

I suppose some thank yous are in order.

Thank you to all of my loyal readers (all three of you).

Thank you to my boys and my husband who allow me to tell the story of our little family online. I am sure Fletcher and Luke will be thrilled about this little venture once they get to middle school.

I think I'll publish some of my favorite blog posts of the past year next week. Vote for your favorite.

Also, I may work on changing the look of Snickelfritz Lane. My brother informed me that the little birdie is the same one that Twitter uses. I want something more unique than that.

So from all of us at Snickelfritz Lane to all of you. Thanks for doing life with us!


Georgia Girl said...

Cheers! I'm toasting your blogiversary (did you make that up - I'm so impressed) with my morning cup of Joe since that's when I usually have a spare moment to read it. It's always refreshing to start the day knowing I'm not the only one (i.e. bouncy ball).

Oh and bummer about the bird because I like it, but unique is definitely better.

Thom Trahan said...

Maybe you should keep the bird, and start twittering too!

Happy blogiversary! Everytime I get together with mawmaw & pawpaw, or mom and dad, or traci & cade, we almost always end up mentioning "hey, did you see snickelfritz today?" Mawmaw and Pawpaw don't really post on here, but they read it, and they love it!

They did mention that you need to watch your language though. Tsk tsk.

(I'm only kidding about the language thing)