Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Every 8 Weeks

After several months (years?) of having blond highlights, I decided to go back to my natural color for several reasons.  I thought I would like it, but it never really grew on me.  It was either too blond, too orange, too red or too something.  I started feeling like a calico cat.  But the main reason is because if I keep spending this much money on hair maintenance every 8 to 10 weeks, Kevin will never be able to retire and our boys won't be able to go to college. 

Luke didn't even notice a difference when I picked him up from preschool today.  I asked if he liked my hair and all he said was, "Yes, it is brown."

Fletcher?  Different story. 

Fletcher:  Mom?  It looks like your hair is blown or something.
Me:  Yes, I got my hair cut today.
Fletcher: It looks different.
Me:  Do you like it?
Fletcher:  Mmmmm.  No, not really.  It kinda looks like you've been through a fire.  Like your hair is burnt. You know, like on the cartoons. 
Me: Oh
Fletcher:  Well, you know what I'm saying.  I'm not trying to effind you (I think he meant "offend").

None taken.  (My hairdresser has two boys the exact same age as mine.  She warned me that they wouldn't like it).  It is pretty dark and a pretty drastic change.  I might get brave and post a picture soon. 

Current votes:
Luke - yes
Fletcher - no
Kevin - yes
Sadie - I'm guessing yes since she didn't bark at me like I was a stranger when I came home. 

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