Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sometimes We Wonder If He's Blonde

Recent conversations

Our local Christian radio station does something called the Family Name Game each week.  They tell the special name in the morning, then if you have a child named that special name, you can call in at a certain time and tell about your child and win a prize.  The names are usually pretty common like Matthew, Brooke, Noah, Sarah, etc.

Fletcher: They never say my name on the Family Name Game.
Mom:  Well, that's because your name is not as common as some of these other names.
Dad:  When you were born, we decided to pick a name that was really cool and unique and that not very many kids had.
Luke:  (with great excitement)  So what did you pick?
Mom:  Um, "Fletcher"
Dad:  Good thing you're cute, Luke. 
Before Bed
Dad:  Luke, Daddy is leaving tomorrow morning for a work trip for a few days.  So I want you to work really hard to listen and obey Mommy, ok? 
Luke:  Ok.  Will you bring us a mint? 
Dad:  Well, I won't be here for a few days because I'm leaving in the morning before you get up.  But maybe I'll bring a mint when I get back.
Luke:  When we wake up in the morning, can you make pancakes? 
Dad:  *sigh*
Mom, getting out of shower with towel wrapped around me.
Luke walking in, realizing I had just gotten out of the shower:  Can I smell your pits?*

*This is where silly things we do come back to bite us.  Ever since the boys were little, I've told them if they didn't want to take a bath that they had to because they had "stinky pits"  (armpits).  Then after their baths, they would tell me their pits were clean and I would tickle them under their clean armpits. Just for the record, I told him "No. Run along now and go play."  

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