Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Luke's first day of preschool was yesterday.  He is in the 4 year old class three days a week.  I was so proud of him!  He walked right in, put his backpack on his hook, put his lunch in his cubby, found his nametag and hugged us goodbye.  Ok, I can't lie.  I was actually a little sad - but in a good way.  I know that makes perfect sense, right?  For the last two years of preschool, it has taken him a few weeks to adjust. I would feel awful driving away knowing that he was crying in his room.  Of course, the teachers assured me that he always stopped after about 1 minute, but the mommy guilt was still there.  Today I was teary because I was happy he was just fine.  So many people told me that his "separation anxiety" phase would pass.  I thought that day would never come.  Who knows what the rest of the week will look like, but he had a GREAT first day!

 Dad came for the big day.

 His buddy Blake is in his class this year for the first time.  We've been on several beach vacations with Blake and his family. 
His "smile" cracks me up.  His teacher Ms. Denise is in the background.

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