Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 7

Sidenotes:  Our church gives all first graders an NIV Bible.  Fletcher is learning to read. 

We are in the kitchen.  Kevin had just gotten home from work. I'm finishing up dinner so we can eat (spaghetti, if you are wondering). 

Fletcher:  I've been reading my Bible.

Kevin:  That's great buddy!  That's a great thing to do.

Fletcher:  I was reading Song of Solomon

Me:  (My eyes bulge out of my head and I almost drop the pot of boiling spaghetti that I was about to drain.  I am completely speechless. Just in case you might not know, Song of Solomon is....well... it can get very "poetic" about things like body parts.)

Fletcher:  I was reading chapter 7.  (As he is talking, he opens his Bible to chapter 7)

Kevin:  (remaining much calmer than me) Oh really?

Fletcher:  (reading) "How beautiful are your.."   What's this word?

Me:  I have to go to the bathroom.  (Sorry to leave you alone with him, babe. But I am just not prepared for this.  I walk into our bedroom.  At this point I am perspiring profusely.)

Kevin: (reading) "sandaled feet"

Me:  (sucking all the oxygen out of the bedroom as I breathe a huge sigh of relief)

Kevin:  (I didn't catch all of it, but I think he told Fletcher that Song of Solomon was actually like a love letter)

Fletcher:  I was also reading in Luke.

Me:  (from the bedroom screaming in my head "Luke! Yes!  Yes!  Reading from Luke is great!  Luke is safe!  Read Luke!)

And that was the end.  This was definitely one of those times I was glad he had the attention span of a gnat. 

Go read Song of Solomon chapter 7 and you'll be glad too.  Is there a PG version of the Bible?

1 comment:

Aunt Monette said...

Thanks for sharing Rachel... I am cracking up... your family is so precious.