Tuesday, March 8, 2011

70 X 7 ?

My recent Facebook status said this:

"I know in the Bible Jesus said we were supposed to forgive 70 X 7,
but I kinda wished he would have specificed how many times
we have to answer the same question over and over again from a certain three year old. "

I'm not even sure how to describe Luke's fixation but I will give you not one but two sample conversations we've had recently.  I realize these aren't exactly questions.  Oh and by the way, if you are thinking I should just ignore him and not respond at all....I've tried that...he just continues to ask/speak/talk but much louder.  Usually we are in the car so I can't walk away either. 

When our friend Tucker was in the hospital, I took the boys to go see him.  One time we went on a Friday afternoon.  In the children's wing, they do something called "Sundaes on Fridays" where the patients and any visitors get to choose ice cream and toppings.  Mr. Grant (Tucker's dad) took the boys while Teresa and I talked.  Mr. Grant let Luke pick whatever he wanted.  So he picked several or eight toppings.  And Luke thought it was a glorious day.

On another visit to the hospital, this was our conversation in the van:
Me:  We are going to go see Tucker
Luke:  And eat ice cream! Yummy!
Me:  No.  There won't be any ice cream today.
Luke:  Yes, we will get ice cream in that little room
Me:  No.  Ice cream is on Fridays and today is only Wednesday.
Luke:  NO!  Today is Friday and we are eating ice cream.
Me:  Sorry, buddy.  I know ice cream is a fun treat, but they won't have it there today.
Luke:  I want ice cream!
Me:  I know.  But not today. (Attempting a distraction) Let's look for big machines on the way to the hospital.
Luke:  To get our ice cream.

And another one in the car on the way to get Fletcher in carpool line:
Luke: I want to watch Wild Kratts** when we get home
Me:  We watched Wild Kratts earlier today.  We are going to play outside when we get home.
Luke:  (whining) But I want to watch Wild Kratts.
Me:  (trying to remain calm) I know.  It is a fun show.  But Mommy said no.  So you need to quit asking, okay.  Maybe we will watch it tomorrow.
Luke:  I want to watch Wild Kratts right now.
Me:  (trying the distraction thing again) Let's look for Fletcher.
(Fletcher gets in the van.)
Me:  How was your day?
Fletcher: Good.  I didn't have to stand.
Luke:  (with excitement) We get to watch Wild Kratts when we get home!
Me: (banging head against steering wheel)

**Wild Kratts is a new show on PBS.  Two brothers turn into cartoon characters and learn about all kinds of animals.  Both of the boys love this show. 

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