Friday, December 17, 2010


(This one was last week around the time of my birthday)
Fletcher:  Mom, you are so lucky.
Mom:  Why's that?
Fletcher:  You're lucky you lived long enough for them to invent TV so you can watch it.
(Guess I need to cut back on those "when I was your age..." lectures.)
(Driving in the car listening to Christmas Carols)
Luke:  Mom....Mom....dey are singing "No way, no way"
Mom:  No, actually they are singing "Noel Noel"
Luke:  Oh....well what does that mean?
Mom:  Um....something Christmasy
(Note to self:  google "noel" to see what it means)
(Driving in the car to dinner)
Luke:  Mom....I just saw some Cwistmas wights.
Mom:  Yes, those are cool aren't they?
Luke:  Mom, I see a cross too. (As part of a nativity display)
Mom:  Yes.
Luke:  Bebus lives on the cross 
(Still have work to do during Bible time, I see.)

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