Monday, December 20, 2010

Minute To Win It

Fletcher decided it might be fun to have a birthday party based on the "Minute To Win It" television show.  Kevin brought home a projector and his laptop from work so the kids could see the "blueprint" that explained each game and then see the 60 second countdown on the big screen.  I thought I picked games that would be relatively easy for 5, 6 and 7 year olds to do, but some of them were a little too hard.  I think the kids had fun anyway.  If you've never seen the show, all of the games are based on pretty common everyday objects.  They did the Candy Elevator where they had to move string along their ears to raise a platform that had Skittles on it (too hard for them).  Another one they did was Face the Cookie where they had to put an Oreo on their foreheads and get it into their mouths without using their hands or feet -- only their face muscles. The game at the end was called Junk in the Trunk where they had to get ping pong balls out of the tissue box strapped around their waist without using hands or feet.  The other ones we played just for the record were Hanky Panky, The Nutstacker, Noodling Around and Movin' On Up.  I am so glad my friend Jen and Kevin were there to help me!  Even though we only had 6 boys and I had all the games planned out, it was still quite a challenge to explain the games, make sure they were following the rules and transition to the next game.  The cake had miniature replicas of all the games they played. 

The fun thing about these games (there are hundreds of them on the NBC Minute To Win It website) is that they really can be enjoyed by all ages.  My family needs to be warned...we're planning to play some of these when we get together for you better bust out the Oreos and start practicing. 

1 comment:

randdmom said...

Thanks for sharing, Rachel! Looks like a lot of fun. Daniel loved it!!!