Saturday, June 28, 2008

for Audrey

Audrey is 4 1/2 years old. She was born one month after Fletcher. I've known her parents Mike and Bonnie for years since we were all in the singles group back in Houston. Bonnie is one of the girls that goes on our Girls Weekend trips every year. They have two older boys and Audrey is their youngest and the only girl.

This week they found a tumor on Audrey's adrenal gland near her kidney. Doctors believe it might be a rare form of cancer. She is having surgery Tuesday, July 1st at noon. Please pray for this family. Pray that the tumor is benign and if it is not benign that it is completely contained and nothing has spread. Pray for a complete healing. Mike and Bonnie have a very strong faith that God is in control. But trying to explain what is happening to a 4 1/2 year old and keep her calm while doctors and nurses are poking and examining has to be an overwhelming task.

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